Message from the President

It’s amazing to me that this group was founded 35 years ago and it’s still going strong.  In that time, the club has grown to include a variety of nationalities and, just like the United States, it embraces all cultures, and is a diverse group of women from all over the world.  Most of us can say that after moving here and joining AWAQ, in no time at all, our calendars were full, and we had lots of new friends to experience Doha with!  We truly are a dynamic, vibrant, and fun group of women!  Membership has meant so much to me, and I am honored to be serving as President this coming year.

As we all know, living overseas can be trying at times and finding friends is invaluable to making our expat lives a success.  As a new arrival to Doha last summer, I truly appreciated the camerarderie and support I received, and still receive, from our members.  Living here without close family members is hard, but I know I have good friends here who have been through similar experiences, and they will continue to help me transition.  For that. I am grateful to be part of AWAQ.

In addition to having a lot of fun , I am extremely proud of how our members continue to give back to the local community.  Over the years, the club has helped many deserving organizations and we will continue to provide you with opportunities to volunteer your time and talents this coming year.  Kudos to the Heart Pillow team and their tremendous efforts this past year with Hamad patients.  The project is branching out in directions that we never could have imaginged when it began.

I hope you will join us and actively participate in the many events, activities and social welfare campaigns we support in 2014-15.
