Join “The Strength of a Woman Tour: RWANDA”

The FAWCO Human Rights Task Force is sponsoring a first-of-its-kind educational trip for FAWCO members and their guests to Rwanda to explore implications of women’s leadership and human rights issues in this fascinating and beautiful country. Since the genocide that tore Rwanda apart twenty years ago, the nation has become a model for the involvement of women in all levels of government. The trip will be led by Women, Peace and Conflict Chair, Therese Hartwell and is planned for the first two weeks of June, with a tentative alternative at the end of October, 2015. 

FAWCO has worked out some additional details for this trip including adding an optional 5-day add-on for a safari in Tanzania. You can get all the details on itinerary and pricing as well as the registration form here  Registration deadline for the June trip is March 1
