Our club year is rapidly coming to a close, and as I prepare to relinquish my role as President of the organization, I am proud and honored to have been a part of something that makes such an impact on the lives of others – something that leaves people with positive “AWAQ Moments”. I joined AWAQ the week after I arrived in Doha two years ago, and have served on the board the entire time, and witnessed many changes, both within the club and outside. I have seen firsthand how AWAQ can be a key resource for expats in Doha, both members and non-members alike.
With only one month until elections, we are continuing to accept nominations, so if you are willing to volunteer and make a difference in our local community, and in the lives of other expats, we invite you to think about taking on a board or committee role. It can be daunting to commit to something when you don’t know how long you will be here, but there are many creative ways to serve, including sharing the responsibilities with a friend, committing for a specific amount of time, or acting as someone else’s back up. Volunteerism is the foundation of our organization and if you choose to join a committee or the board, with minimal time invested, you have the opportunity to impact the organization, our membership and AWAQ’s future. It may not often seem like it, but the least likely experience can have the ability to create an “AWAQ Moment” and leave a positive impact in someone’s life. Please consider it – AWAQ needs you!
Angela Baumann
American Women’s Association of Qatar
+974 3381 2607