The AWAQ calendar has been jam-packed with so many amazing activities and events so far this year, members are finding it hard to choose just what to do!
We’ve learned how to paint on silk, had a history lesson on 19th Century Qajar women, enjoyed Jazz in the Park, soaked up the sun at the Hilton, and kayaked through Dhow Harbor, among other great events. Plus, we’ve challenged each other in Mahjong and Bridge, critiqued contemporary works of literature, enjoyed continental cuisine, and rubbed elbows with new and returning members at informal coffees and two general meetings already!
A big “Thank you” to our events “team”, Angela Baumann and Sheri Kenly, formerly AWAQ President and Vice President respectively, who have done a stupendous job turning their past experiences and enthusiasm for our adopted community into opportunities for AWAQ members to engage with the local culture and embrace our international environs.
Still to come this month: another insightful souqs tour, dining opportunities for members and their spouses, cultural encounters with local Qataris, and Thai cooking classes! Coming up next month is our annual Thanksgiving celebration, where we meet members’ families and enjoy all the fixin’s of our beloved national holiday. Hopefully we’ll have the opportunity to host members of our military as well so they, too, can enjoy a home-cooked meal.
Stay updated with what’s happening! Visit our events calendar and REGISTER ON LINE so you don’t miss any of our events & activities. If for any reason you registered for an event, but cannot attend, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance by e-mail or phone.
Note – events are for paid members only. If you have friends or family visiting from overseas and would like to bring them along, please ask and we will do our best to accommodate them. Sometimes events have limited openings and cannot accommodate guests, so always ask first.